The year has FLOWN by! We made it to our fabulous farm unit. Here are some snap shots of all of the amazing projects these hard little workers did.
Our farm mural. Each week we read an informational text on a different animal. We wrote reports on each type of animal and made an animal art project or craft. When you lift up the cow's belly, you can read all about cows! |
This was a fun one! After reading the story "Click Clack Moo", the students wrote to the fictional character Farmer Brown. Each student pretended to be one of the animals from the story and they had to complain to Farmer Brown about why they were dissatisfied with him and what he needed to provide for them. They typed up their letters and created this beautiful art. |
To kick off our farm unit, we studied plants and went shopping at "Trader Mates". On each plant the students wrote where the vegetable grows and what part of the vegetable they eat (seed/flower/root etc.) |
After learning all about the farm, the students picked their favorite animal and made a cute hand print. They drew a background and then painted it with watercolors. They also wrote a poem about their animal. |
Here is a close up of Natalia's piece. Look at her cute duck! |
After reading "Down on the Farm" the students re-created the story by choosing their favorite page to illustrate. They used their knowledge of "quotation marks" to show the sound the animal made. |
Our lovely chicken coup! It had a roof, but sadly, it became too heavy and the coup was in danger of falling so we had to take it down! |
After reading "The Little Red Hen", we made our own chicken crafts. Inside the chicken, the students wrote down all the facts they learned about chickens. |
WIld Tangram facts! After lots of practice with tangrams, the students made their own farm animal tangram. Finn's pig is adorable! |
Look at this gorgeous duck! |
The students made a beautiful farm landscape with tempura paint and oil pastels. |
Where does our food come from? Our students know! On each animal, students wrote the products that the animal provides. |
During the week we studied pigs, we read "The Three Little Pigs" of course! The students became the big bad wolf and wrote an apology letter to the pigs! |
After writing the wolf's declaration of innocence, the students recorded themselves reading their letter and we turned it into a QR code to scan :) |