We have been learning all about plants and how they grow!
We planted our own Lima beans and we've got a few plants growing strong.
We learned about what plants need to grow and we sequenced the steps.
We learned about the parts of a plant and made these flip books to show what each part of the plant does.
We had special visitors during our plant unit who taught us even more about plants and brought each student their own tomato plant. Thank you Batemans!
We read the story of "Tops and Bottoms" and learned about which vegetables grow on top of the soil and which grow underneath.

This went well with our next activity where the kids got to eat all five parts of a plant! The seeds were the favorite overall.

We started counting by 5's and used nickels to create our own nickel gardens.
Other exciting news! Our butterflies have emerged from their chrysalis. Here we are watching intently while one pushes his way out!
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